Private Limited or SMC Private Limited Company Registration SECP
Completion Time: 2 – 3 Working Days
- Three Names of the proposed company
- Neat and Clear Scanned copies of CNIC’s of all the proposed Directors / subscribers
- NTN of the proposed directors / subscribers
- Registered address / correspondence address of the proposed Company
- The principal business of the proposed company
- Nature of the business activity
- Authorized Capital
- Paid up Capital
- Value per share e.g.Rs. 10, Rs. 50 or Rs. 100 etc
- Combination of Shares agreed to be subscribed by each director / subscriber
- Name of the Chief Executive of the Proposed Company
- Authorization from other subscribers. (For Offline only)
- Telephone numbers and email ID of all the proposed directors
- Telephone numbers and email ID of all the proposed directors of the Company
- Name of declarant person
- SECP login details of the proposed directors / subscribers(if any)
Additional information
SMC Private Limite | Single Member Company With No Partner |
Private Limited | With Tow or More Partners |