Pakistan Engineering Consul (PEC) Registration:

Registration Procedure for Constructors and Operators
Name of your firm/company should be such which has not already been given to any firm/company. For this purpose, check availability of firm’s name before further processing. In case, the name is not available then change the name of your firm/company.
Read Engineering Works Byelaws and Guidelines before applying for registration.
Meet the registration criteria for the category in which registration is applied for.
For registration in categories C6/O6 to C3/O3 use Application Forms and for categories C2/O2 and above, apply through Online Portal.
After filling up the Application Form, submit the case according to the instructions given at the end of each form.
Questionnaire Related to Pakistan Engineering Consul (PEC) Registration:

1. Who is Registered Engineer (R.E)?
“Registered Engineer” means a person who holds an accredited engineering qualification, whether working privately or in the employment of an engineering public organization and is registered as such by the Council. Registered Engineer shall perform all professional engineering works except independently signing design.

2. Who is Professional Engineer (P.E)?
“Professional Engineer” means a person who holds an accredited engineering qualification and after obtaining a professional experience of five years, whether working privately or in the employment of an engineering public organization, has passed the prescribed engineering practice examination and is registered as such by the Council.

3. What is the difference between Registered Engineer and Professional Engineer?
A newly graduate is registered with PEC as Registered Engineer. A Registered Engineer can become Professional Engineer after completing five years experience and passing engineering practice examination (EPE).

4. Is it necessary for an engineer to be registered with PEC?
An engineer cannot undertake any professional engineering works unless registered with PEC. Therefore registration with PEC is mandatory.

5. Does PEC register B.Tech?
The qualification of B.Tech is not equivalent to Bachelor of engineering. Therefore PEC does not register them as such. PEC registers only such graduates who possess engineering qualification duly accredited with PEC.

6. What is the difference between B.E, B.S and B.Sc(Engineering)?
There is no difference. There are different nomenclatures which are used by different Engineering universities.

7. Can an engineer working or residing outside Pakistan register himself with PEC?
Yes, he/she can apply through Online Registration Portal.

8. Is it necessary to obtain renewal card if he has paid life subscription?
Yes, renewal card is issued for maximum three years. The purpose of issuing renewal card for three years is to give opportunity to engineer for updating of his/her profile/record with PEC for future correspondence.

9. Does PEC have the facility of online account?
PEC Online Account Info (View Details).
(Pay Order, Demand draft are not acceptable. Fee is received through online system)

10. What one has to do after the expiry of Renewal Card?
After the expiry of Renewal Card, engineer has to apply for issuance of renewal card for any number of years not exceeding three at a time.

11. How to apply for renewal card?
Application for renewal can be submitted online using Web Portal along with scan copies of the required documents.

12. What is the Fee Structure for Renewal of Registered Engineer?
“Fee Structure” for renewal of Registered Engineers.

13. What is the Fee Structure for Renewal of Professional Engineer?
“Fee Structure” for renewal of Professional Engineers.

14. Is there any exemption of Fee for Engineer?
A Professional Engineer who has attained the age of sixty years and is unemployed shall be exempted from the payment of annual renewal fee for the rest of his life and his Renewal Card shall be issued upon his request.

15. What is the Renewal Procedure for Non-Resident Pakistanis Registered Engineers and Professional Engineers?
Renewal Procedure for Non-Resident Pakistanis Registered Engineers and Professional Engineers is same as those of resident Pakistanis Registered Engineers and Professional Engineers respectively.

16. How many choices of Renewal are available?
Two choices for Renewal are available for RE & PE i.e. yearly basis renewal and life time subscription.

17. What is the requirement for renewal having Lifetime subscription?
Engineers who have paid lifetime subscription are also required to obtain renewal cards by following the renewal procedure after expiry; on “NO CHARGE BASIS”. It means they are not required to pay any fee/cost for renewal purpose. However they have to renew his/her registration after expiry.

18. How Engineers can apply for Duplicate PEC Registration Certificate?
Engineers can apply for Duplicate Registration Certificate after downloading the form and submitting with following requirements: Application form available on PEC Website
Fee Challan of Rs 1000/-
Copy of FIR
Newspaper Clipping
Affidavit of Lost Certificate duly signed by Engineer.
Two Photographs (2” x ½”) with white background
Copy of Valid CNIC

19. What is CPD?
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the means by which members of professional bodies maintain, improve and broaden their knowledge and skills for developing personal qualities required in their professional lives.
Pakistan Engineering Council under its Act has mandate for introducing and ensuring continued professional development activities amongst its growing community of engineers and has devised a comprehensive framework titled Professional Development of Engineers (Bye Laws – 2008) approved by the Government of Pakistan.

20. What is CPD Credit Point’s requirement for Registered Engineer?
For newly Registered Engineer, first year after graduation shall be a grace period and CPD will be applicable from second year onwards. A Registered Engineer shall have to earn nine credit points in first three years cycle, twelve credit points in the next three years cycle and five credit points per year thereafter for renewal of registration under the PEC Act.

21. Is CPD mandatory for Professional Engineer and what is CPD Credit Point’s requirement for them?
Yes, CPD is mandatory for Professional Engineers and existing Professional Engineers are required to obtain three credit points per year for the renewal of the registration, with effect from July 2010.

22. How a Registered Engineer becomes a Professional Engineer and what is EPE?
When a Registered Engineer has attained a minimum of five years of practical experience in relevant field of engineering from a recognized engineering organization or institution or service and has earned at least seventeen CPD credit points, he / she shall become eligible to apply for Engineering Practice Examination (EPE) on the form available in CPD Section, which is for the assessment of the engineering competence, knowledge and skills of an applicant engineer.
A Registered Engineer may qualify for registration as Professional Engineer after qualifying the EPE, which may be arranged and conducted through local or foreign services hired or availed for the purpose.

23. Is there any waiver from Engineering Practice Examination (EPE)?
The EPE is optional for a Registered Engineer but is an essential part to obtain the title of Professional Engineer. However Professional Engineers already registered with the Pakistan Engineering Council are not required to appear in the EPE.

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